
Essential Digital Marketing Tools That You Should Know About

For this reason, it is essential to keep up to date,learn more, read, and study whenever possible. In this sense, today, we have a particular objective: to offer an overview of 10 indispensable tools for digital marketing.

Marketing Automation

You may be thinking that there are too many tools and that you need to learn more or need more in-depth explanations about each of them. While this is true, there is an even more important third point: once you start your digital marketing campaigns, you and your team will have many aspects to manage.

Creating and posting content on various social networks, designing campaigns, A/B tests, and many technical and routine aspects can be very time-consuming to carry out. Therefore, it is essential to choose an automation tool well, especially for creating and managing content and monitoring results. Otherwise, dealing with so much data spread across multiple platforms can become impossible.

Landing Page Creation

When you run ads online, the initial goal is to attract leads or followers of potential customers. When such a person clicks on an ad, they should be directed to a landing page, generic or specific. This is that person’s first direct contact with your business in many cases. Therefore, you must have a page specifically designed to receive it and collect data such as email, for example.

There are numerous tools for creating landing pages on the market, but the most important thing right now is to understand that this page corresponds to greeting a customer who has just entered your store. Even if you don’t buy anything, you want to make a good impression and, if possible, understand their habits and preferences, so you know what you can offer that person in the future.

Google Tag Manager

Tag Manager is a Google tool to simplify adding code to your website. It is possible to add snippets in HTML, Google Ads conversion code, Facebook Pixel, Remarketing, etc. All this is in a very simple to use platform.

When you decide to create your online store or your website, you will face a world of options. Which platform to use? What language? What format of the website? WordPress is one of the most used options when we are talking about digital marketing, and today it is the main website creation platform in the world.

WordPress really can’t be beaten for digital marketing purposes, and as a complete website building tool, most of the world agrees. More than 74 million websites are built using WordPress, making it by far the most popular content management system (CMS) available to anyone.